Thursday, March 20, 2008


I'm not one to be sentimental or think much of changes and recently I feel like my world is taking a full 180. In a good way too believe it or not! I'm actually not complaining about something or someone. lol.
Anyways, back on a serious note.
The biggest change right now (and probably most exciting)I am now leaving my job at Islands where I have been for over the past two years. Maybe it's just starting to hit me, but after two years of grumbling, complaining, hating, being frustrated, depressed, angry and wanting to set that place on fire - I find myself crying over my last day. It's true what they say; you only truly learn to appreciate something/someone when you don't have them anymore.
It's been two long years, and I've made friends I would never trade for the world - because they've made that world, I've had good times and made memories with people I will never forget. So, maybe despite all the bad times, stupid customers and annoying shifts - it was all worth it in the end. I'll forget the frustrating moments, but never the people I've worked with.
Sometimes God is so confusing to me. Or maybe I'm the confusing one. You give me something I initially ask for(a job): I hate it, I pray for you to get it out of my life, you give me something better: I cry.
I'm beggining to be more and more greatful that I am not the one who control's my life and the universe for that matter, but it is safely in the hands of the Lord.
God has been making such changes in my life and in my heart for that matter. I feel like I've grown so much in spiritual maturity, learned more than I thought I could, and developed a deeper understanding of having a relationship with this Jesus guy. And to say the least; with all that came so many outward changes in my life. I have a job now which is more than I could have asked for, I have yet another youth group to work with (yay more little sisters to play with!), I have again - a deeper relationship with my girls, I've learned to appreciate people for who they are and not for how much we see eye to eye or our alike religious views. I feel happier with who I AM, I feel comfortable, I feel content and yet I feel so much passion stirred within me.
What is all this? and what are you doing?
Where will I go next? I don't know, but I can only anticipate it....

1 comment:

Krysta and Jan-Michael said...

How's working with Henry and Bill??!! Must be fun!