Saturday, January 10, 2009


Have you ever listened to a song, or a poem, or a story, or an opinion...anything... and felt like the writer/speaker/song writer was speaking directly to your soul? Like they'd taken the words right out of your mouth and expressed them in ways you never thought of? This is Lacy Mosley's testimony to me in many ways.
Number one: I am in awe of God's timing. Everything in my life has always happened in nothing less than perfect timing. Every place God has put me in, every sittuation, every job, every trial, has been conducted at the right moment, and people have come into my life right when they were suppose to, and I can only see that now by looking back over my past and realizing NOW..not then...but now what a magnificent creator I have.
Number two: "The sweetness of comfort". Lacy talks about how she doesn't regret a single thing she'd been through, she has this full, amazing knowledge of how God uses our pain, our loss, our grief, to further His kingdom on this earth. She speaks almost proudly of her past, of her horrible experiences, all because they have brought her to where she is today. How she wouldn't have been able to help others now in her prior sittuations, wouldn't be able to write her songs, or know the "sweetness of comfort" without the pain of her past. THIS is what it is all about to me. I get it. It is beautiful to me to hear someone rejoice for their past, knowing Jesus is using, and going to keep using, it for their benefit, for His glory, and for the lives of not only those around us, but specifically people He will bring into our lives to minister to. How amazingly beautiful is that!!??
Mistakes are beautiful begginings, and so are trials, and I will look with hope for the glory God will bring about from it when trouble arises. Lacy is proof to me that our past is something we should be proud to show off when Jesus has intervened in it.
I love stories, and I love that in everyone's life, whether we pay attention to it or not, God writes the most amazing one's. No wonder the epic novels, and award winning movies are based 90% on the normal, everyday persons life.